Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Saturday Food Drives + LDS Church Volunteers = Lots of Food!

In April, our future Eagle Scout, Tanner Kirk, surpassed his goal of 20,000 pounds of food by bringing in 20,027 pounds here to the Food Bank. Some of the food came in over a two week period, but in a single Saturday, we picked up 17,130 pounds of food. This food drive was connected to the three Mormon churches in San Ramon, Danville and Alamo. Volunteers put bags out at the houses on a Wednesday and volunteers picked up the food the following Saturday and brought the food to our truck at the Danville Mormon Church. Needless to say, we needed a larger truck so many of the families loaded up their cars and followed us to the Food Bank. We had 24 totes of food which we had to weigh and bring in the warehouse. Thank you to Tanner for bringing in so much food!

And a huge THANKS to the 100+ volunteers from the church who cleaned the racks, sorted food, cleaned breakrooms, baled cardboard, washed windows, and so much more.

Orinda in Action brought in 515 pounds in their 1st year on this same Saturday in April. The mayor was pleased and will include this in their next year’s Earth Day/Community Day projects. She is determined to collect a lot more food in the future years.

Thank you to those involved for making this a fantastic day and YAHOO for all the food!

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