Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Residents Living In Poverty Skyrockets In Contra Costa County
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Food Stamp Challenge comes to end for some, but not for the thousands of people who live with hunger every day.

Read about CBS 5 Reporter Sue Kwon's week on the Hunger Challenge.
Friday, September 25, 2009
No room for error living on $4 a day
Thursday, September 24, 2009
CBS 5 Reporter Takes $4-A-Day Hunger Challenge
And Wednesday:
If you're taking on the Hunger Challenge we would like to hear about it. If you are on food stamps and have budget stretching ideas or want to share your thoughts, please share them with CBS 5.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
CBS5 Reporter Sue Kwon Joins the Hunger Challenge
Take the 2009 Hunger Challenge
Email to participate!Learn more about the 2009 Hunger Challenge
Visit the San Francisco Food Bank Hunger Challenge blog.Monday, September 21, 2009
Week four of 30 ways in 30 days
30 Days in 30 Ways - Week 4
Sept. 21: Book a tee time on Sept. 21st at Oakhurst Country Club in Clayton and a portion of your Green Fees will be donated. Bring five canned food items and receive a raffle ticket. Call 925-672-9737 ext. 201
Sept 22: Empty Bowls, Food Bank Concord Warehouse, 5:30 pm, $10 per person. Enjoy a simple meal served in a handcrafted bowl and get a behind the scenes look at the Food Bank. Reservations required and seating is limited, please call 925-771-1310 to reserve your spot today.
Sept. 23: Ask employees to bring their lunch on a specific day and donate the value of an average lunch to the Food Bank.
Sept. 24: Empty Bowls, Food Bank Fairfield Warehouse, 5:30 pm, $10 per person. Enjoy a simple meal served in a handcrafted bowl and get a behind the scenes look at the Food Bank. Reservations required and seating is limited, please call 925-771-1310 to reserve your spot today.
September 24 -27 Walnut Festival, Walnut Creek. Bring a can of food to donate and get $1 off your admission.
Sept. 25: Myths and Facts of Food Stamps 9 am - noon, Food Bank Concord Warehouse. More info: 925- 676-7543 ext. 231.
Sept. 26: Pleasant Hill Community Service Day. Local residents will be collecting non-perishable food for the Food Bank on this annual Community Service Day. To be a part of this event go to
Sept 26: Sunrise Assisted Living Food Drive, 2175 Ygnacio Valley Road, Walnut Creek. Please join us for live music, good food, and a good cause. To RSVP, please call (925) 932-3500.
Sept. 20: There is still time to give a little during Hunger Action Month. For every dollar donated, the Food Bank is able to provide three meals to people in need.
For more ideas on how to fight hunger in your community, visit our Hunger Action Month calendar online.
Can you eat for just $4 a day?
Each of the Bay Area Food Banks is experiencing unprecedented demand. Find your local Food Bank at and donate now. For more information on the Hunger Challenge, visit
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Give a Little Feed a Lot!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
RSVP to Share Family Togetherness & Meal Time Tips This Tuesday on Twitter
September 12, 2009 by Jyl Johnson Pattee
Stop for a second and think about your most favorite meal time experience with your family. What made it fun or meaningful? What did you eat? What did you talk about? What was it that helped you connect and grow closer as a family?
Now think for a second about what gets in the way of achieving that on a regular basis. If you’re like me, quick and simple meals are never quick or simple enough, meal times are rushed, and while I’d love to have all sorts of meaningful conversations with the family during meal time, we are usually lucky to get a home-cooked meal and even luckier to get conversation with it.
But… statistics show the importance of family togetherness during meal times. So, this Tuesday, we are fortunate to have Libby’s and Feeding America along with other #gno gals to share with us their fabulous tips for making the most of meal time. Have lots to share? Want to learn? Or, want to connect for a little girl power? Then, join us this Tuesday for #gno.
And, don’t forget to enter to win one of our amazing giveaway going on this week.
- What: Libby’s is sponsoring this week’s #gno Twitter party (Click here to learn about #gno!)
- When: Tuesday, September 15, 9-11 p.m. EST
- Where: Party with us on our custom Tweetgrid. (Use hashtag #gno.)
- Topic: Family togetherness and meal times
- Who: @feedingamerica @goodlifeeats @hannahkeeley @janemaynard @savorthethyme @rockinmama
- Party Favors: Click here to check out this week’s giveaway sponsored by Libby’s.
- RSVP: Please leave your Twitter ID in the comments to follow and be followed (on Twitter, of course!) by other #gno gals. The best format is as follows:
Monday, September 14, 2009
30 ways in 30 days - Week 3
30 Days in 30 Ways - Week 3
Sept. 14 -18: United WayWeek of Caring
Sept. 14: Follow us on twitter: and fan us on facebook:
Sept 15: Macy's "Come Together" invites you to host a dinner party and ask guests to pledge a donation to Feeding America in place of the usual host gift through Macy's "Come Together" website. Macy's will generously match each donation made for the campaign. Plus tonight Macy's will host the Wolrd's Largest Dinner Party at your local Macy's at 6:00 pm.
Sept. 16: Join the Food Bank's monthly donor program.
Sept. 17: Become an advocate for hunger and poverty relief. Sign up to receive Hunger Fighter advocacy alerts from the Food Bank.
Sept. 18: Sony Pictures releases Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs today. Kids can join Flint in becoming a Hunger Helper - someone who finds ways to fight hunger in the community. Become a Hunger Helper today by making your own bookmark and even writing to your Congressman.
Sept. 19: A day-long shopping event, Macy's - Passport, offers the opportunity for local non-profit organizations that support AIDS/HIV programs to raise funds. Participating Macy's stores are located at Pleasanton's Stoneridge Mall, Walnut Creek's Broadway Plaza, San Francisco's Union Square, Marin's Corte Madera Store, Palo Alto's Stanford Store, and Santa Clara's Valley Fair Store. For a $10.00 ticket to the event, you will receive a special shopping discount (exclusive to Passport in Store) to be used on almost all purchases. The Food Bank will retain 100% of the direct ticket sales proceeds. For more information or to purchase a ticket, please contact Joan Tomasini at 925-771-1315 or email
Sept. 20: Host a Food Drive.
For more ideas visit our Hunger Action Month calendar online.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Summer Lunch Celebrations
Many children rely on free or reduced-price school lunches as their main or only source of nutritious, balanced food. During the summer months, some kids go without a healthy meal for this reason. To rectify this, the USDA created the Summer Food Service Program that provides free lunches to any child under the age of 18. Free lunches are offered at various community centers, schools, and parks in low-income neighborhoods. With the budget crisis and many schools closing, there are fewer locations that offer free meals. Thankfully, despite these setbacks, free lunches were served at over 100 sites throughout Contra Costa and Solano counties.
You can help improve access to nutrition programs for kids -- like the Summer Food Service Program. This Fall, Congress will be making decisions about the Summer Food Service Program, School Meals, Child and Adult Care Food Program, and more in the Child Nutrition Reauthorization. What can you do? Write your members of Congress and ask them to expand and improve current federal child nutrition programs. Visit for more information.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Calling All Kids
Please join us:
Sept. 12: Open house and Family Volunteer Day, Food Bank Fairfield Warehouse. No reservations required. Drop in between 2:30 and 4:30.
Sept. 13: Open house and Family Volunteer Day, Food Bank Concord Warehouse. No reservations required. Drop in between 2:30 and 4:30.
Kids you can also join Flint from Sony Pictures' Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs in becoming a Hunger Helper - someone who finds ways to fight hunger in the community. Become a Hunger Helper today by making your own bookmark and even writing to your Congressman.
30 Days in 30 Ways - Week 2
This September, please think about what you can do to help: volunteer, donate, advocate! For more information about Hunger Action Month, these events, or just the Food Bank in general, please call 925-676-7543, email or visit us on the web at
30 Days in 30 Ways - Week 2
Sept. 9: Learn more about the Child Nutrition Reauthorization and how you can help get improve access to food for kids. Don't forget to record your minutes at the Hunger Action Center and help the Food Bank win a truckload of food from Kraft Foods.
Sept. 11: San Pablo Community Foundation's "Starlight Martini". The "Starlight Martini" dinner dance is an elegant evening filled with great food, music, dancing, and friends. Each attendee also receives a complimentary martini glass. Cocktails at 6:00 PM and Dinner at 7:00 PM.
Sept. 13: Open house and Family Volunteer Day, Food Bank Concord Warehouse. No reservations required. Drop in between 2:30 and 4:30.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Helping to get the word out
Keep up the good work, Anna!
For more about Hunger Action Month, visit and click on the Hunger Action Month logo.